New Member Email Onboarding
How to implement an automated email onboarding for your newest chambers members to increase member relations & retention for your chamber of commerce.
-2017 New Member Engagement Study by Dynamic Benchmarking & Kaiser Insights LLC
One reason chambers are always so overwhelmed is because we're stretched thin trying to be everything to everyone. Setting up an automated email series to help with new member onboarding is a great way to passively build your relationship with members. These emails will strategically drip the most important information for member, freeing up your chamber staff to focus on day-to-day operations without neglecting your relationships.
Week 1 : Email timeline & content ideas to send to new members
Homework: Start thinking about the specific topics you want to onboard your members. Use the provided questionnaire to help brainstorm.
Week 2: Ideas & Questions Roundtable (or Group Co-Working for Accountability)
Homework: draft your email series
Week 3: Tech tutorials & set up
Homework: Draft & set up your emails inside your tech
Week 4: Catch-Up Week (Group Co-Working / Live 'office hours')
Depending on your goals, you might need to create new content for your email series, like videos or webpages.
Week 5: Update Your New Member Checklist
Recap of actions taken, reminder to update your checklist to ensure members get your email series, group presentations.
Save money by paying in full, or pay in 2 monthly installments.
Regular price
No, there are a ton of tech tutorials out there - in fact, just Google "email autoresponder" + the name of the email marketing provider you use. However, I believe this program will help hold you accountable and actually get it done. This project was on my to do list for 3 years. By giving you set deadlines (and the fact that you paid for this), you are more likely to actually follow through and get this off your to do list!
At the very least you should be using an email marketing provider (like Constant Contact). Upon registering, please fill out the survey so I know what tool you're using so I can provide the relevant tutorials. See for ideas if you're not already using one.
Examples & handouts provided will specifically geared towards Chambers of Commerce. I will aim to answer any techy questions you may have, so beginners are welcome!
I plan to re-release this program as a recorded on-demand online course using the recordings from this program. The course will be available for $500, but will not come with live support or community engagement.
As noted above, the recordings from the group program will be turned into an on-demand online course. All group program registrants will automatically have access to the online course using your same Thinkific login. You will have access for as long as the course is available.
Yes! Your chamber only needs to pay once. If you're lucky enough to have both marketing & sales staff, this can be a great project to work on together. If you don't want to use a shared login, simply forward your receipt to me with a list of the staff + emails to enroll.